2015年10月22日 星期四

Why do we have to do Reading Comprehension?

The job to teach two secondary schools has put me back to exam and practice paper. I did few sets of Reading Comprehension paper. And I started to think, why do we have to do such thing?

One of the school I taught, people call it "Band 3". They were quiet at the beginning. But now they started to answer my questions. Because I told them to treat it as a game.

The game is this:

Give you a passage:
Holiday celebrations vary from culture to culture.
 People in Rome, Italy mark the New Year by
 throwing away items they no longer want.

Ask you to fill in the blank
People in different countries a.) c________ holidays in different ways.
In Europe, a custom of Rome to (b)m_________ the New Year
is throwing (c) u________ things away.

These exercises are typical. Soon after you read you should be able to answer a.) celebrate holidays b.) mark the new year. c.) unwanted things. But my students struggle on (b) and (c) . It should be easy if you lands on the word Rome and New Year. You should be able to a least make a guess "mark" But the problem that my students faced is that they are not sure what is the meaning of "mark". Here is where the game starts.

Even though you do not know the meaning of a word. Look at:

Passage: People in Rome, Italy mark the New Year by...
Question: In Europe, a custom of Rome to (b)m_________ the New Year 

If you see what comes before and after, you should get what I called "neighbors" pointing at the word "mark. This sounds easy to a lot but not to some. We are told that the English test is testing your language proficiency. But it is not! It tests your observation and judgment.

(c) is a more advanced question. It requires your ability to paraphrase.

Passage: Italy mark the New Year by throwing away items they no longer want.
Question: a custom of Rome to (b) mark the New Year is throwing (c) u________ things away.

OK now Italy is hidden into Rome. and items changed to things. Wait a moment. Why is the test designer being nasty and play tricks on us? I asked them. I answer of course. We want to test student's ability. But we do want all people to get the answer straight ahead. If it does, it tells nothing about the quality of the student. So we have questions that require more brainy works.

Back to the questions.  "items they no longer want " into "unwanted". OK. Now it tests your English ability. But just a bit. Don't tell me you don't know the word "unwanted". It requires you 1.) to add -ed to want, to make it an adjective 2.) to add to suffix un- to make it in negative meaning. Unwanted.

Perfect. We spent one lesson on this part. But I really want students who think they are not good at English to think again about these test. It is not a test of capability. It is a test of personality.

2015年10月20日 星期二

In the behavior of shouting 每個人的尊嚴

  I seldom call the verbal arguments with my partner "quarrels". That suggests mutual, back and forth verbal challenge. I don't fight back that easily. First because I am not good at. Second of course I don't want to. But the thing is I feel tough to swallow the shouts, the loud one.

 Not trying to victimize myself but, from now and then I found a lot dissatisfaction is expressed in the form of shouting. If you can smile after being shouted at. I will call you "Good EQ" person while some will call you "Think skin". Nevertheless, it is important to realize that, the smile is an effort to save the situation. No matter what kinds of arguments. That laugh is a remedy. It is a sign for peace. It requires energy and effort. It takes the brain to suppress the self-ego, then pass a signal to let go and supply the energy to squeeze a wrinkled smiley face.

Shouting is bad in any case. It makes people feel inadequate.  Our animal ancestors used roaring to protest dominance over another. It challenge that other animals' existence. But do we have to do that to our close one? When living creatures face being shout at, they only have 2 ways out: Fight back or Escape.

  Leave some room for your love ones. In Hong Kong we have miserable tiny spaces. Whether it is at our own living place or at the MTR train. We are forced to interact with strangers constantly. Our private places are as if being invaded every second. Luckily we feel comfortable when we stick with our loves ones. But the cracks appear if you roar at home where, your partner has no where to go. The four walls echo the thundering voice. He left with a shameful feeling. No one can stand still and smile to you when they are being shouted at. That is why it is so bad to shout at your partner.

  When two person decided to get together, it means they are willing to give up their individuality (as least part of it if not all). Two persons surpass the stranger stages. Thus the relationship develop further. But it is the close ones who can hurt the most easily. When you shout at your partner, he or she has no where to go. For people who don't want to fight back, the only way for them to preserve dignity is to ESCAPE. Escape the living room. Escape wherever the two persons are staying together. Temporarily terminate the ties of sticking together. Stop the hostility. Escape is not the best approach for sure. It is pessimistic in the sense that it somehow suggests the relationship is walking backwards.

  When people asked me do you feel happy getting marry? I recall those mixed feeling and frowned faces that old couples would give."He is blah...blah...blah..." (Frowning) (Looking at each other) And then they will say " "BUT WE STILL LOVE EACH OTHER! " They is the key. It all because of    LOVE    . We are willing to tolerate each other. We are willing to swallow of self-ego. Because the love override the negative feeling. It reminds us to forgive and close one eyes. But we have to remember not to take other's tolerance for granted! The degree of happiness does not calculate based on one day or one week. It is as a whole an impression. Where does that impression comes from? It is like playing Whac-a-mole! The impression of happiness stems from a team-working spirit. Why we call it partner because both of you cooperate to tackle life problems. As if the popping up whac-a-mole. Will you shout at your partner's ear and tell him to hit it? Or you will hold the hammer and hit them together?

2015年10月19日 星期一

Harmful good faith 惡性的善意





我衷心感激那些有意無意成全我,讓我能在這個世上立足的人。但對於找尋自己的位置,我不太寄望有人可以抬住你的腳丫兒,準確地把你彈到心中想要的露台。但我相信:  "In the world of infinite possibilities, you will not find what you want, you will find what you are. " 最後訪問了一個香港新晉畫家, Jane Lee。她最近被邀請到波蘭的一間大學,幫他們在校園一橦建築物上,畫了一座巴別塔。她的風格有香港味道,密密集集的填滿成幅牆。問到她如何成為畫家,她說:「當年仲用緊MySpace既時候,我將自己D畫放上去網,之後有間法國公司睇中佢,邀請佢過去法國幫佢地畫。果時係我第一次出國。」



要知道「別人幫你成長」與「自己成長」是有分別的。像坊寶寶單憑聽婆婆說人類有多害怕,血帶有病菌的。這種「道聽途說」只會帶來恐惧。人不怕死,最怕是未知。我們只憑聽的,一定想像得比現實更多未知,更恐怖。不過,未知把所以事情變得迷惑之際,也讓我們有了好奇心。就是不知道叢林有什麼,才要去探個究竟吧?不要把人生當成階梯爬,而是一個很多精奇古怪的森林!Life is not a career ladder, it is a juggle gym. 只要你熬過一次,很快會明暸所謂的社會運作原理。而你也會有自己的對應方法,像坊寶寶一樣,再也不怕血了。現時很多同學都面臨「搵工荒」。我希望我等不是帶著驚慌、怯懦前行,而是靠著自信、快樂前行,去探索世界。

2015年10月8日 星期四






有人覺得有了科技,什麼都可以在網上學到,就不需要老師。可是資訊多不見到質素高,年幼學生還不懂分辨,也欠缺自律能力。所以老師是很重要的指導角色。人們重視學歷,但不太重視教學。對你從哪間學校出來有興趣,但不太希望在Networking event上搭到老師談話吧。


「努力讀書,就能進一間好的中校」 - 進了好的中學之後呢?
「努力讀書,就能進一間好的大學」 - 進了好的大學之後呢?
「進了好的大學之後,之後就能進好的公司」 - 那進了好的公司之後呢?



2015年10月6日 星期二


今年已經自Ali project 1985年出道已經是第40個年頭。能夠在行內做這麼久的真的不多,尤其影視界一向都是紅得快,去得亦快的一行。

Ali開始為人熟悉大概在一年一度的Animal Summer Live(ASL)上台。
2006-2008年靠的是這幾首動畫主題曲(opening & ending):
《聖少女領域》《薔薇獄乙女》 Rozen Maiden
《わが臈たし悪の華 》叛逆的魯魯修ED

《地獄之門》Phantom ED、
《凶夢伝染》Another OP
《刀與鞘》刀語 OP
《亂世英雄》Fate Extra 遊戲主題曲

寶野大媽最近一次上ASL,已經是2013年跟茅原實里唱她作詞的 Celestial Diva。畢竟年齡已經五十多歲了,就不跟少女爭台。現在寶野也專心經營自己的專輯。

寶野大媽,雖然她四五十歲才紅,可是這正正帶出勸服我們,常犯的一個錯誤-認為成功來得容易之餘,也應該來得年輕。她一生鐘愛音樂,整個人生沈淫在文學上,把人生百態、餓鬼六道、色慾愛恨,冼練地灌進歌詞裏。她過百首的歌曲,別具一格,常常附帶著文學參考。縱然曲風不是主流,卻在同樣獨特的日本動漫市場下,配合著動漫情節,讓大家認識到她的歌曲。不過Ali project的歌是絕不止限於動漫世界!
